Mémorial de l'héritage Caporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial
A memorial under construction by Canada's students for the next 100 years.
Dedicated to the memory of all our daughters and sons.
November 11, 2023 - 11 Novembre 2123
...To you from failing hands we throw,
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lieutenant Colonel John-McCrae
Current School Location of the Mémorial de l'héritage Caporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial.
Kitsilano Secondary School, Vancouver, British Columbia
2023 Québec, 2024 Nova Scotia,
2025 British Columbia
2026 New Brunswick (James M Hill High School)
2027 NORTH
- 2024 - Kings-Edge Hill School in Windsor, Nova Scotia
The students of Kings-Edge Hill School in Windsor, Nova Scotia have added Captain Nichola Goddard to the Mémorial de l'héritage Caporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial in 2024.
You can learn more about the life and service of Cpt Goddard through the King's-Edgehill student made Operation Remembrance video below.
Captain Nichola Kathleen Sarah Goddard
May 2, 1980 - May 17, 2006
11 November 2023 - 11 Novembre 2123
The Corporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial is a student-led project that was created at leadership camp in October 2023. Students leading this initiative are members of the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Student Leadership Certificate program. Student leaders from our program are continuing to work on the Cpl Dupéré Legacy Memorial to ensure that it will be able to make the 100 year journey from school to school to school.
The Memorial is personal for us. We knew Cpl Dupere and we want to honour him, his life, and his service. We believe that his Memorial can be personal for thousands of Canadians, over multiple generations in active learning and remembrance. Beyond cultural divides, beyond borders, beyond language, beyond regions, beyond time we can find the best of all of us in our soldiers and they can teach us how to make a better world.
We just have to stop, listen, learn and pass it on.
Cpl Franck-Dupéré
"There are two ways of looking at what happened to me. I still have one arm to hold my children and I still have one eye to watch them grow up. With one eye, I can see everything around me. That's enough, I don't need two."
A traveling memorial, created by students from multiple generations, will be constructed by schools across Canada for the next 100 years.
This will allow successive generations of young people to learn about fallen soldiers in their local communities and add the names and stories of these heroes to the Corporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial.
If your school would like to add a name of a soldier to the Corporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial please make a request for the Memorial to come to your school through the link above.
Requests must be submitted before October 1.
The host school will select the next school through a lottery by October 11.
The Memorial should not be in the same region or province for 2 years in a row. The goal is to move the Memorial around Canada as much as possible.
Corporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial - STUDENT / SCHOOL GUIDE
When you receive the Corporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial at your school, you become the guardians and custodians of the Memorial.
Your job is to:
Keep the Memorial safe and on display for your school community.
Research soldiers in your local community, and identify one who exemplifies the values of service, leadership, resilience, and optimism. Add this soldier's name and story to the Corporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial.
There are several institutions that can help with this research:
Royal Canadian Legion; Your local Legion may also be able to support your research and the Remembrance Day ceremony at your school. Consult directory here.
Canadian War Museum (CWM); the archives of the CWM or any local regiment or war museum in your area will be able to link your student team to materials and stories that will help in your search. Find a local Canadian military museum here.
When selected as a guardian and custodian school; The Legacy Memorial Team will send materials to support your search and Remembrance Day ceremony.
Then, share this individual's life and service with your community, highlighting both the soldiers you learned about and the one you chose to honor on the Memorial.
Please email Daniel Johnson if you have any questions.
Background of Cpl Dupéré

Research Guide for Students (to print)

Royal Canadian Legion; Your local Legion may also be able to support your Remembrance Day ceremony at your school. Consult directory here.
These resources are provided by the Royal Canadian Legion, Veteran's Affairs, and the Canadian Armed Forces.
Template: Ceremony PowerPoint (download 'save as')
Guide to Acknowledging First Peoples & Traditional Territory
National Speakers Program (book a speaker or download a presentation
Silver Cross Mother - Information
If you have a challenge accessing the Request Form or require additional information, please email Daniel Johnson.
A native of Sept-Îles, Cpl Dupéré enlisted in the Reserve Forces on January 23, 1997, within the 4th Battalion Royal 22nd Regiment. Following his recruit course, he carried out various training within the unit. In the fall of 2001, he participated in the rise of 2 R22 e R with a view to being deployed with the unit in ex-Yugoslavia during Operation PALLADIUM.
Once back home, he rejoined the 4 R22 e R and was assigned to the 4 e Intelligence Company in Montreal. In the spring of 2007, he once again participated in the rise of 3 R22 e R in order to be deployed to Afghanistan with the psychological operations section. He will return to the country in March 2008.
He participated in his second mission in Afghanistan in spring 2011. On April 12 of the same year, during a patrol, his platoon was targeted by a suicide bomber who blew himself up near him. Cpl Dupéré will be seriously injured and evacuated by helicopter, then transferred to Landshul, Germany. He spent the next three months hospitalized.
He will return to 4 R22 e R once his rehabilitation is completed and will continue his career until his release from the Canadian Armed Forces on February 1, 2015, after 18 years of service. After his release, Cpl Dupéré gave several conferences on resilience and acceptance to his brothers in arms as well as the general population.
Cpl Dupéré was the father of two children, Noémie and Anthony.
The First Presentation of the Memorial

Pierce Schaefer, (LTM)
November 11, 2023
The First Presentation, Operation Remembrance, Ottawa
"In recognition of Canadian soldiers who have died while serving Canada; who are shining examples of courage and service for the generations to come. We seek to recognize and be generational witnesses of the soldiers who possess characteristics that Corporal Dupéré emulated.
Below are the values and words that describe the life and fighting spirit of Cpl Dupéré. The names that will be added to this Memorial over the next 100 years by students across Canada are to record and share the story of the women and men who have given so much for all of us.
These are the lessons that Corporal Dupéré has taught us. Lessons that transcend one person and one generation."
Let us learn from the soldiers from communities across Canada to expand our knowledge, to use these lessons from their lives and experiences to build a better country and world.
Names of local soldiers who died while serving Canada will be added to this Memorial by students who will then pass the Memorial to other students from coast to coast to coast until the Memorial is complete by November 11, 2123.
Every school that receives the Corporal Dupéré Legacy Memorial will become the Custodians and Contributors until they have added their soldier’s name and pass the Memorial to another school.
On November 11th 2023 students of Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, Quebec, presented the memorial to King's-Edgehill School, Nova Scotia. Students will add a name of another fallen soldier from their community and the name of their school.
On November 11, 2024, the students of King's-Edgehill School, Nova Scotia, brought the Memorial to the Operation Remembrance - 11 Days of Remembrance ceremony in Ottawa to tell the story of Captain Nichola Goddard and to passed on the Memorial to Kitsilano Secondary School, Vancouver, British Columbia.
On November 11, 2025, the students of Kitsilano Secondary School, Vancouver, British Columbia, will add a soldier to the Memorial and their story will be told at the Operation Remembrance - 11 Days of Remembrance ceremony in Ottawa. Kitsilano Secondary will then pass on the Memorial to a different school in a different territory or province in Canada.
On November 11th 2123, the final school will add the name of a fallen soldier. The completed Memorial should be put in a place of honour in Canada for young people to see and learn from.
In order for this memorial to be completed by 2123, we will need a trans-generational partner to pass this torch to the generations to come. " - Pierce Schaefer, 2023
Louise is the person who engraves the Stanley Cup annually. She has graciously prepared all of the name plates for all of the soldiers who will be added to the Corporal Dupéré Legacy Memorial.
We are working to establish partnerships with organizations that can help us move, house and help the future generations of students continue to build the Corporal François (Franck) Dupéré Legacy Memorial.
SWLSB Students establishing the Cpl Franck Dupéré Memorial: Pierce Schaefer, Sean Esdon, Emma Laflamme, Nelith Sirigire, Caterina Arena-Saia and SWLSB Sec. Student Leadership Certificate Program.