Pink In The City


The 2025 SWLSB RAISE CRAZE will take place between April 1 & May 15!

School registration form will be sent in Februay 2025.

The 2024 Raise Craze student leadership coordination team is Alejandro Gutierrez (LSA), Emma Lavictoire (LSA), who are a part of the SWLSB Secondary Student Leadership Certificate Program.

Pink In The City MTWH 2024.mp4


Pink In The City is a student created charity that supports the Breast Cancer Clinic at our MUHC Hospital and gives 100% of what is raised.

pink in the city promo (v2).mov


Let's GOOO!

Video made by Caterina Arena-Saia (LTM)


raise awareness  +  raise money   =   help others

·         Hear from survivors at your school to learn about breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and healing.

·         Shave or Cut by creating a MUHC fundraising page, set a goal and work with your school community to reach it!

·        Pink In The City will come to your school to shave or cut your hair and celebrate how you are making a difference.

Be inspired to continue making a difference in your school and community!!


PINK CHAMPIONS are the brave students and community members who are willing to cut and donate at least 8inches of their hair or shave their heads.

A PINK CHAMPION can be any age. They set their fundraising goals and our ASL teams work to support them.

There are 3 ways to raise awareness and money for our MUHC breast cancer clinic.

A survivor and 'Pink Ambassador' is also making their time available to students and each school to help raise awareness by sharing their journey and story.

Pink in the City’s annual Raise Craze - YouTube (360p).mp4

Become a PINK CHAMPION to raise awareness and funds for Pink In The City.



Every year PINK CHAMPIONS shave their heads or cut their hair, raise awareness, and money in support of people suffering from cancer. 

All money raised goes to the Breast Cancer Clinic at our MUHC to support new research to create a liquid biopsy that will revolutionize diagnosis and care. 

Avon Canada matched every dollar raised during the 2023 campaign!

$80 000 RAISED 


Enhance your STEM skills and have health science experiences that are unlike any other while you help support people who need it.

Student Leaders create an engaging head shaving and fundraising experience at the MUHC in October for schools throughout the SWLSB.

Dr. Sarkis Meterissian, surgical oncologist and the Director of the Breast Cancer Clinic has pledged to raise $100,000 for the Breast Cancer Clinic. 

All of the donations have benefited the Breast Clinic’s Wellness Program at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), which offers every breast cancer patient free access to services —from nutrition advice to counselling— to return to happy, healthy lives following treatment. 


Pink In The City recognizes student leaders annually at the Model The Way Honours held at Cineplex in Laval, Quebec.

Each recipient is a leader in their school community.

Marilena Papadopoulos

Marilena Thank you

You always have the opportunity and power to change the world if you are listening effectively and willing to act.

Marilena is cutting and donating her hair with Pink In The City because one of her students at St. Agathe Academy asked her if she would donate her hair to help make a wig for his mom who will be going through breast cancer treatment.

Marilena is a student leadership alumni who answered this call in an incredible way.

Over $9000 raised!! Thank you!

Pink In The City est un organisme de bienfaisance créé par des étudiants qui amasse des fonds pour la clinique de traitement du cancer du sein de notre hôpital du CUSM et donne 100% de ce qui a été amassé. 

Soyez inspiré pour continuer à faire la différence dans votre école et votre communauté! 

Pink In The City is a student created charity that supports the breast cancer clinic at the MUHC and gives 100% of what is raised to the cause.

·         Hear from survivors at your school to learn about breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and healing.

·         Shave or Cut by creating a MUHC fundraising page, set a goal and work with your school community to reach it!

·        Pink will come to your school to shave or cut your hair and celebrate how you are making a difference.

Be inspired to continue making a difference in your school and community!!