Measure of Success for Agency + Competency = Fortitude

  • Agency is about wellness, character development, and personal agency. Mental, emotional, and physical health, well-being, and interpersonal skills are a foundation for a balanced life and effective leadership.

Personal agency, well-being, balance, relationships, and growth.

By helping young people to become more empathetic, conscientious, seek authenticity, and to see leadership through the eyes of a servant enables them to foster the tools for a fulfilling and balanced leader life.

  • Competencies grow from knowledge and abilities forged through the student and teacher exchange in classroom learning.

Student leaders develop the capacity to use skills and competencies acquired in the classroom in meaningful and tangible ways through experiential learning to great positive effect and lifelong success.

  • Fortitude develops over time as students learn to use failure as fuel for success, develop resiliency and perseverance, meaningful collaboration, and grow in their ability to pivot, adapt, overcome, and address challenges in their world. Student leaders also learn to use different styles of leadership and engaged followership throughout their journey.

Students leaders expand their use of competencies to help them and their team to set targets, chart and measure success as they grow in their abilities to achieve their aims while using a wide range of knowledge and applied skill-sets.

Ascend Leadership is a way to support the creation of a climate for a broad set of goals and different dimensions of learning to overlap, interconnect, and become mutually reinforcing. Transform academic competencies by integrating them into the overall student experience through engaged responsibility and roles for shared outcomes that are visible, measurable, and rewarding.

We provide the space for student leaders to interact with the following lessons at least three different times in a variety of leadership learning environments throughout their progression from grade 5 to graduation transforming from a spectator, to a participant, and into a stakeholder who shares in community outcomes:

1) in theory

2) in planning & preparation (SMARTE planning)

3) in practice & evaluation


Connect the Classroom


ASL helps student leaders use skills and competencies learned in the classroom to SMARTE plan, enhance their communication skills by engaging in our bilingual community, incorporate technology, and enhance their understanding of course material through meaningful experiences.

Make learning, make sense.

Enhance Leadership Skills


ASL helps student leaders to be effective! Students work on teams that are aligned with their interests as they are learning how to plan, prepare, execute and evaluate.

ASLeaders manage their time, resources, talents, weaknesses, develop situational awareness, emotional intelligence, identify and overcoming challenges, analyze, evaluate, and adjust to enable others and generate success.

90% of a leader's work is dedicated to caring for people, planning, preparing, and evaluating.

Take Action


Authentic leaders serve their people. ASL helps student leaders use their talents, interests, and acquired tools to make a positive difference in their world.

ASL helps student leaders apply their knowledge, and leadership skills toward achieving positive and meaningful outcomes for things that they are passionate about. ASLeaders are active and engaged in our world.

10% of a leader's work is dedicated to the action being produced. Initiatives, events and activities are the evidence of the work that has been completed


  • LISTENING EFFECTIVELY - developing the skills to help young people to listen in order to understand, take notes effectively, and help others feel heard, understood, and included.

  • SPEAK EFFECTIVELY - seek people and information. Learn to listen effectively. Practice speaking clearly, passionately, and boldly.

  • BODY LANGUAGE - Be aware and use body language to speak volumes.


  • WRITE EFFECTIVELY - practice and develop legible writing skills and develop best digital practices.

  • UTILIZE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY for outreach, engagement, and inclusion. Online tools are useful to expressed what you are doing - the tools is not the action. Develop an understanding that actions drown out your words.

  • READ for comprehension, understanding , preparation, and to stimulate growth.

  • ASK good questions.

  • MEETINGS - effective meetings for inclusive, actionable, and evaluated outcomes.

  • PUBLIC SPEAKING - practice sharing ideas and communicating effectively through multiple platforms, on stage, at meetings, conferences, and leading small groups.

  • CORRESPONDENCE - practice communicating through email exchanges, letter writing, cards and other forms of business practices, community building and engagement.

  • SMARTE planning



  • TEAM BUILDING - build trust, lead, foster diversity, be accountable, evaluate effort and outcomes, adapt & rebuild, grow relationships, foster effective followership.

  • FOLLOWERSHIP - great leaders know how to follow and how to enable other leaders.

  • CONFLICT RESOLUTION - the art of relationship navigation; individuals, teams and rebuilding.

  • STRENGTH, WEAKNESS PROGRESSION - develop a keen sense to identify and support individual and team strength and help nurture weaknesses into strengths.

  • THE ART of DELEGATION and INCLUSION - enable the team through a balance of engaged strength and weaknesses. Promote and celebrate each other's success.

  • ACCOUNTABILITY & TRUST - seek responsibility and accept responsibility, be authentic.

  • SYSTEM THINKING - identify key relationships, cycles, and how to integrate strategies for inclusive, multifaceted, and progressive results.

  • COORDINATION and COLLABORATION - section, team, group.

  • TRANSPARENCY - practice inclusion through clear and consistent information gathering, digestion, and distribution.

  • Foster and model COLLECTIVE EFFICACY.

  • SMARTE planning



  • COLLECT and ANALYSE DATA - what do you need to know and how will you gain that information in order to improve? Be willing to allow data and others to identify weakness and opportunity for success as it helps you to improve.

  • FOSTER MEANINGFUL TEAMWORK to achieve shared goals.

  • INGENUITY - think broadly, be adaptable, and embrace creativity.

  • TAKING INITIATIVE and RESPONSIBILITY - leaders move first with purpose because they are invested in their people and in the outcome of their teammates. Own the needs around you.

  • CALCULATE RISK and COST BENEFIT - try, assess, and evaluate what could be gained or lost. Work on the 'value added'. Generate tools for meaningful need assessments.

  • ASK good questions.

  • GROWTH MINDSET - understand the role of failure, obstacles, and setbacks. Failure is fuel for future success. Practice overcoming.

  • DEFINE the objectives clearly.

  • UNDERSTAND RELATIONSHIPS - people, politics, places, systems, and opportunities.

  • DEFEND, DEVELOP & ADAPT points of view, tactical and strategic efforts.

  • SMARTE planning



  • ENTREPRENEURSHIP - use your tool kit to design, create, and establish a new business opportunity.

  • SITUATIONAL AWARENESS - 'tune in' to what is happening around you and include and adapt to meet rising and immediate needs (agility).

  • PROBLEM SOLVING - rise to each challenge and prepare to adapt and overcome.

  • GROWTH MINDSET - identify roadblocks and seek meaningful and sustainable solutions.

  • CHALLENGE NORMS - be inquisitive.

  • SMARTE planning

  • SEEK OPPORTUNITIES for the success of everyone. Do not go alone!


  • CRUNCH + MANAGE THE NUMBERS - budgets, people, resources, allotment, data entry and analysis. Work with and manage spreadsheets.

  • TIME MANAGEMENT - clearly defined priorities bring balance, balance, balance. Meet your deadlines. Manage and implement calendars, strategic timelines, and schedules.

  • EVALUATE - learn from experience, record, and transmit information in order to provide the keys for growth and future success.


  • SMARTE planning

  • SEEK ALIGNMENT of wants, needs, efforts and priorities.


  • SERVANT LEADERSHIP - enable success in others, "enable others to exceed beyond their limitations and by doing so you will exceed beyond your own".

  • AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP - earn the right to be heard and the trust to take meaningful action. Develop a mature respect of self and others.

  • KNOW YOUR 'WHY' - find purpose - know why you are invested. Interests grow into passions that can bloom into purpose.

  • PERSEVERANCE - working through adversity with sustained effort by identifying and overcoming roadblocks. Turn your weaknesses into strengths.

  • REST and RENEW- scheduling your 'me time' and breaks in order to remember and renew your 'why'. Breath, go away, reflect.

  • ATTITUDE DETERMINES OUTCOMES - you are contagious.

  • CORE VALUES - are drivers that 1) provide gravity, 2) provide clarity, and 3) provide focus to keep you on the right track.

  • DISCIPLINE - Self-Regulation and Self-Management - discipline opens up space and opportunity for growth and action, "an orderly desk is an orderly mind".

  • EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - developing the maturity to know when to speak, when to listen and when to act appropriately.

  • MENTAL TOUGHNESS and RESILIENCY - adapt and overcome, never quit.

  • BALANCE - practice time management, set boundaries, set priorities, fulfill responsibilities, rest and renew.

  • HEALTH and FITNESS - exercise and eat to enhance your mind, body, and soul's effectiveness.

  • CONFIDENCE BUILDING – turning a weakness into a strength; try, risk, and practice, practice, practice. Use your strengths to enable others. Create safe mental and physical space for yourself and others.

  • ACCOUNTABILITY - seek responsibility and accept responsibility, possess integrity, be authentic.

  • INTEGRITY & WORK ETHIC - do what you say - say what you will do...all the time. Live up to it.

  • ADAPTABILITY - become flexible and inclusive to people, ideas, strategies, and new solutions.

  • STRESS MANAGEMENT - deal with pressure by prioritize efforts and working with your team in order to be successful.

  • SEEK CHALLENGES & GROW - foster self-reflection, manage fear, and grow in your awareness and abilities.


  • VOLUNTEERISM - "we learn the most about ourselves when we focus on enabling and helping others."

  • MODEL THE WAYProviding an example to follow - you are your own brand. Include others in community building.

  • REWARD and RECOGNITION - celebrate and acknowledge.

  • FIND YOUR PURPOSE through meaningful community engagement and pursuit of your interests.

  • DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP - use diverse tools and the develop the skills to use them effectively, responsibly, and with successful results.

  • ENTREPRENEURSHIP - use your tool kit to design, create, and establish a new business opportunity.

  • POLITICS - get involved and be active in your society.

  • MENTORSHIP - "walk in the shadow of leaders and people who help strengthen, challenge, and inspire you to grow."

  • MAKE AN IMPACT - use your SMARTE skills to generate a strategy that sparks a positive impact in your world.



"The leader is the one who,

out of the cutter, brings simplicity...

out of discord, harmony...

and out of difficulty, opportunity."

Albert Einstein


Mission: The Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board's mission is to provide engaging and innovative learning where everyone achieves success and well-being; to support student success, to prepare students for the future and to offer equitable and varied educational options.